30 Days of Truth | Day 25

May 29, 2012

By Katrice

The reason you believe you're still alive today.

When I was 23, I met a young man named Mark through a mutual friend. He was unlike any guy I had ever dated in that he was very settled down, genuinely spiritual and just simply authentic. We became exclusive after getting to know each other for about six months and there was never a dull moment. Really. He was a young preacher and it fascinated me how serious he was about his ministry — especially the time he dedicated to studying. At first, I thought he wasn't really interested in me because I had never experienced a guy telling me that he was going to do a little work and call me back in three hours. Three hours!? But, it wasn't long before I realized that he kept his word and when he did call back or visit, he was extremely attentive. I admired that about him. After we had been dating for two years, he fell ill and passed away suddenly at the age of 27. I could barely focus on anything. I had never experienced anyone close to me dying at such a young age and the sheer unexpectedness of it was enough to turn my world upside down. People tried to console me, of course, but I refused to be comforted. At his funeral, one of his friends came up to have words about the impact that Mark had on his life, particularly influencing him to not only develop a relationship with God, but to dedicate his life to it and how that changed everything. I knew that Mark was always reading his Bible and working on sermons. But, during his service I heard so much more about everything that he had been doing at his church, his humility and how many people he had been a beacon to in drawing them to Christ. And even in my grief and haze, I had a moment of clarity ... I literally wondered, while sitting just few feet from his casket, "what would people say about me if I died today?" At that time in my life, I was already saved and working in my church. But, I was really just doing things that I had always seen my peers do and what I thought I should do. I wasn't reaching. And I thought: What if I had, at 27, done everything that God wanted out of my life? What an honor that would be spiritually. 

That thought changed my entire trajectory. Mark's life and his death changed me. 

I believe I'm still alive today because there is some very specific thing {or things} that God wants of me, as well. One thing I know for sure is that He has blessed me to inspire. Since I know it, I take every opportunity to do and be that so that His goodness and favor show through my life. And still, I believe there is more. 

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  1. Wow Katrice what a touching story that led to an amazing point! I never quite thought of it that way, but this has to be the reason God has still left me on this earth as well. Just wow Katrice; I think this is the best day of truth I've read yet.

    1. Honestly, Rocquelle ... I believe it was the very reason that Mark came into my life. And that made my grief so much lighter. Thank you so much for following my 30 Days of Truth.

  2. I have to go with the reigning word - WOW!! What awesome illustration through your words and the story itself. It is amazing how all things work together for our good.what a love to have had- the bar is surely set high

    1. Rox-ann, thank you. He did set the bar exceptionally high. What a wonderful guy.

  3. Katrice, I havent been by your site in a while but the 30 days really intrigued me. I've enjoyed reading the posts, even though this is my first comment. Thank you for all the posts - for sharing so much of yourself - but especially for this one. Reminds me of reasons and season, living with divine purpose, how God will send the right pp and situations to get our attention and finding something sacred even in something as painful as death. Thank you.

  4. We have to be about our Fathers Business. Wow! The people God will put in our lives is amazing we never know.....

    Thanks Cousin... I thank God for You

  5. Wow, what an amazing story, beautifully told. I can't even imagine your pain, but I am happy that you gut to see the positive in it all that He is not through with you yet.

  6. This was beautiful. I'm sorry for your loss but you are extremely blessed not only to have known Mark but to already recognize the gifts God placed in you.

  7. WOW very touching story and truth! I haven't visited MVL in some time so I'm going over what I've missed and this story strikes close to home for me.


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