Every season serves a purpose.
This period in my life feels completely upended. Nothing is going wrong, per se. But everything is in flux. My body is changing … 48, is on the horizon. Lol Friendships seem to ever be evolving … again. I am learning that to be a healthy and normal signal that we are all growing. (I looooove my friends.) My tastes have completely shifted. My expectations have mellowed. But, above all, I have found my faith to be sturdied. I’m so thankful for that. Since my sister Tonya died last September, God has changed me. My mom always says God doesn’t waste time doing just one thing at a time. When I tell you that God took me apart, piece by piece. It was a hard HARD moment but he used that stretch to transform me. What my sister always said to me when I’d go to her with a problem was, “you’ve got this. You’re more than capable.” Back then, it was sometimes frustrating. But today, I take those words to heart. Some days, I feel like I have no footing but also am as sure-footed as I’ve ever been. That’s all God. And that’s all I’ve really ever wanted.

I'm excited to announce that applications are open through July 31, 2022 for the next collective of Of Sistren Supper Club which will begin meeting on the second Saturday of each month - Aug. 13, 2022. If you're looking for an empowering and enlivening space, this meetup for women with conversation, fellowship, peer mentoring and support is for you. Participants will join the chill supper club for four months, getting together virtually one Saturday monthly.
Of Sistren will be by invitation only, but the intent is not to exclude anyone as much as it is meant to allow the space and time for solid conversation and listening between dreamers and doers. If you're not chosen to join for a specific quarter, never fear, your application will be considered for a subsequent session.
Are you in? If so, I'd love to hear from you.
(Fill out the application to join us on the link above.)